Join us

Membership in San Luis Obispo Newcomers is open to any resident of the county who wishes to make new friends and participate in a variety of fun activities. Our membership includes over 150 people, some of whom are new to the area and some who are long time residents. 

Members are entitled to attend monthly luncheons and a variety of activities which are listed on this website.  Dues for the program year: July – June, are $35.

If you join as a new member January - June, you can get a one time half-year 50% discount by entering the code NEWMEMBERONLY in the Discount Code field at the bottom of the application page.

If you have questions about or are interested in joining the San Luis Obispo Newcomers, contact membership at and provide your phone number and email address.

Active Member - $35.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st No automatically recurring payments

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San Luis Obispo Newcomers is an IRC section 501(c)7, a non-profit social organization.

PO Box 4647, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-4647

San Luis Obispo Newcomers is now on Facebook. Click on the link and "Like" us! 

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